RIT Band
Below 161
162- 171
171 - 180
181 - 190
191 - 200
Length Stretch Centimeters Length Stretch Inches Measure It (choose easy centimeters) Clock Work to the half hour Mr. Anker Test's Measurement Half Inches Clock Wise (choose random) Clockwise (choose level 1) Clock Work (half hour) What's the time Mr. Wolf?
Area of irregular shapes Telling Time Counting Coins What's the Time? Length Strength Centimeters Length Strength Inches Mr. Anker Tests Measurement Centimeters Bang on Time Clock Wise (choose random) Compare Money Count on from dimes and quarters Counting Money Hickory Dickory Clock Let's Compare Money Measuring Game (thermometer) Stop the Clock What's the time Mr. Wolf?
Explore Perimeter with Adam Ant Perimeter Exploration Elapsed Time What time will it be? Area Length Strength Measure It! Measurement Measuring Perimeter (choose level 1) Perimeter Perimeter in Inches Elapsed Time Elapsed Time II Elapsed Time (choose guess) Elapsed Time
Area and Perimeter (choose perimeter) Customary Measure Customary Measure Memory Liquid Measure Measurement Perimeter Shape Surveyor (choose hard; perimeter) Sleuths on the Loose Calculating Time Clock Wise (choose random level 3) Columns of Time Elapsed Time Elapsed Time (choose guess and level 2) Elapsed Time Stop the Clock Nearest MinuteTemperature What Time Will It Be? The Ruler Game
Number Sense
Catch 10 Count the Ants Count the Kids Counting with Lecky The Counting Game Miro On The MovePost a Letter Ten Frame How Many? Alien Addition Count Hoot's Addition Dude's Dilemma (choose addition)Froggy Hops Number Bonds Save the Whale Ten Frame (choose 4, add) That's a Fact
Count the Ants Count the Kids The Counting Game Fish Tank Give the Dog a Bone How Many? Mend the Number Square Miro on the Move Ordinals Post a Letter Higher or Lower (choose numbers to 10) Higher or Lower (choose objects to 10) Number Track Nutty Numbers 5 and a Bit Addition Surprise Alien Addition Around the World in 80 seconds (choose addition or subtraction, then level 2, harder) Catch 10 Connect Sums Count Hoot's Addition Count Hoot's Subtraction The Digit Workout (choose level 1 or 2) Dud's Dilemma (choose addition or subtraction, then level 2; hard)Number Bond Machines Save the Whale Speed Grid Challenge Addition Speed Grid Challenge Subtraction Subtraction Machine Level 1 Sum Sense Addition Sum Sense Subtraction Target Take AwayTen Frame (choose 4, add) Test the Toad That's a Fact (choose addition and subtraction) Vertical Addition Around the World in 80 Seconds (choose multiplication level 1 easier) The Digit Workout (choose level 5) Knights of Math Dud's Dilemma (choose multiplication, then level 1; easy) Quick Flash That's a Fact (choose multiplication, then facts to 12) Times Table GridTony's Tire Shop
Adventure Sequence (choose hard) Base Ten Cookie Dough (written numbers and names to 100) Cookie Dough (written numbers and names to 1000) Counting Cars Dinosaur Place Value Fact Families Fairies in the Fog (count by 2's, even numbers) Fairies in the Fog (count by 2's, odd numbers) Fairies in the Fog (count by 5's) Finding Place Value Fishy 2s Grid for NumbersGuess My Number Lifeguards Mend the Number Square Number Balance Number Jump Number Vocabulary Shark Pool Place Value Space HopscotchSpooky Sequence Spooky Sequence 2 Frogs and Ladders Number Machine One False Move Order Number Ordering (choose medium or hard) Sort the Mail (choose <,> 1 to 100) Two Less Than Two More than 5 and a Bit Addition (choose level 2 or level 4) Addition Machine Archery Match (choose archery) Around the World in 80 Seconds (choose addition and subtraction) Beach Rush Digit Workout (choose level 5) Dude's Dilemma (choose multiplication, then level 2:hard) The Knight and the Princess Meteor Multiplication Quick Flash That's a Fact (choose multiplication) Times Table GridFractions Frenchy's Fraction Cafe' Spring Flowers
Adventure Sequences (choose really hard) Adventures Sequence (choose hard, odd or even) Cookie Dough (written name and numeral to 1000) Cookie Dough (written name and numeral to 10000) Convert Numbers to Words (thousands) The Dragon's Egg Ghost Blasters Even Ghost Blasters Odd Grids for Numbers (Next to Select the highest number choose 999 or above) Number Balance Number Names Mallard Mat (choose odd or even) Odd or Even? (choose numbers to 100) Place Value Charts (choose TU, HTU or TH, HTU) Place Value in 3-Digit Numbers Place Value to Thousands Rounding Flashcards Rounding (choose TU to nearest 10) Rounding (choose HTU to nearest 10) Rounding (choose HTU to nearest 100) Rounding to the nearest 10 Rounding to the nearest 100 Spooky Sequences 3 The Award Ceremony (choose order whole numbers up to 100) The Award Ceremony (choose order whole numbers up to 1000) The Award Ceremony (choose swimming 50m) Caterpillar Ordering (choose 1 to 100) Frogs and Ladders Guess the Number! Helipads Hops Higher and Lower (choose numbers to 100) Number Ordering (choose medium or hard) One False Move Order Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers
Grid for Numbers (next to select the highest number:choose 9,999 or above) Form O Rama Identify the Place of a Digit (thousands) Number the Vocabulary (thousands) Number the Vocabulary (numbers to 100,000) Odds and Evens (choose numbers to 100) Place Value Playoff Rounding (choose to the nearest 10) Rounding (choose to the nearest 100) Rounding to the Nearest HundredThe Award Ceremony (choose order whole numbers up to 1000) Greater Than, Less Than Greater Than, Less Than 2 Estimate! Estimator (choose addition)Glowla's Estimation Contraption Addition (choose level 5) Cross the Swap (choose addition and subtraction) The Digit Workout (choose addition or subtraction , level 3 and 4) Number Bond Machine Speed Grid Challenge Addition 1 Speed Grid Challenge Addition 2 Speed Grid Challenge Subtraction 1 Speed Grid Challenge Subtraction 2 Subtraction (choose level 3, 4 or 5) Subtraction Machine (choose level 2 or 3) Amoeba Division Game (choose level A or B) Around the World in 80 seconds (choose multiplication level 2 or division) Beach Rush (choose 4-12) Cross the Swamp (choose multiplication and division, then 0-100) Division Bingo Division Machine (choose level 2 or 3) Math Invaders Buy It Comparing Decimals (choose level 2) Concentration (choose fractions) Decimal Detectives Decimals Diffy (choose money) Fraction Beach Fractions Flags Fractions Fractions Fractions Matching Game Melvin's Make a Match Mendel's Magic Match Market Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers
Data Analysis
Animal Island Data Bar Graph Sorter Bugs in the System I am Special
Bar Graph Sorter Bar Graphs How It All Stacks Up Introduction to Problem Solving Marble Collection Organizing DataPictographs Reading Graphs Starfish Theater
Graphs Introduction to Problem Solving Lets Graph! Marble Collection Marble Collection 2 Organizing DataPictographs and Bar GraphsPicture Graphs Play Ball Problem Solving (choose an operation) Reading Bar Graphs Reading Graphs Reading Graphs 2 Reading Pictographs
Explore Bar Graphs Lets Graph! Making Bar Graphs Marble Collection Pictographs and Bar GraphsTheme Park Favorites
Complete the Pattern Fairy Fog The Garland Pattern Generator Speed Grid Challenge (addition)Speed Grid Challenge (subtraction) Sum Sense Addition Sum Sense Subtraction
Adventure Sequences (choose medium or really hard) Attribute Trains Duck's Digits Fairy Fog The Garland How Does My Pattern Grow?Number Cracker Oochina the Archeologist Pattern Generator Who's Missing? Cross the Swamp Missing Numbers Speed Grid Challenge Addition Speed Grid Challenge Subtraction Sum Sense Addition Sum Sense Subtraction That Quiz (choose level 1 and solve for x)
Adventure Sequences (choose really hard) Attribute Trains Duck's Digits Find the Missing Number Finding a RuleNumber Cracker Oochina the Archeologist People Patterns Who's Missing? Balancing Number Sentences Cross the Swamp Late Delivery (choose level 1) Missing Numbers That Quiz (choose level 1 and solve for x)
Behind the Blob Look for a Pattern People Patterns Problem Solving: Draw a Picture Who's Missing? Balancing Equations Choose an Operation Solving Equations That Quiz (choose level 1 and solve for x) Using a Balance Scale Model Matho 2 Operation Four Order of Operations Quiz (choose addition, subtraction then parenthesis)
Color, Shapes Size 1 Color, Shape, Size 2 Geometry GameShape Learning Game Shape Match Sort the Shapes Sorting Shapes
Shapes Shape Match
Polygon Matching Game Shapes Shapes 2